Our Vision:

Around the world people face very difficult and serious problems; many see evil all around them. Today people are seeking answers and help — often looking in the wrong places. Through written and spoken storytelling, we want to make it possible for all people to find their answers and help through coming to know the one and only true God — who He is, what He thinks of us, His creation, and what He has done for us through His Son, Jesus Christ — as He has progressively revealed these truths to us through His Word, the Bible. Because we believe that through the teaching in our stories, children and adults of all cultures and language groups can receive a solid biblical foundation to base their salvation and continual spiritual growth upon, we would like to see them translated and distributed to every people group in the world.

A Message From our Co-Founder: Linda A Davis

LindaDavisPhotoHaving served in Christian ministry over 40 years, 33 years ministering with children as missionaries with Awana Clubs International, I am convinced that too often there is a serious lack of a thorough and clear biblical understanding of the gospel message. 

After ministering in the US as Awana missionaries for eight years, Awana sent my husband and I to Papua New Guinea to develop a program for Awana that would meet the needs of biblical understanding for children with animistic and mixed-cultural worldviews — whether literate or not.  While in Papua New Guinea, we partnered with New Tribes Mission (now called Ethnos 360).  This partnership allowed us to come to understand how the culture and worldview of different people groups affect their understanding of the gospel message. With God’s guidance during the nine years we ministered in Papua New Guinea, we were able to develop a four-year children’s program adapting the Bible lessons from the chronological biblical teaching found in New Tribes Mission’s Firm Foundations Series — meeting the needs of not only tribal and illiterate children, but any child of any background and worldview, anywhere in the world.  Today, this Awana program, Awana TruthSeekers, is being used by churches around the world.

One of the problems children, and even adults, have with understanding the gospel is that it is taught in bits and pieces, jumping around to various topics in the Bible, leaving people who have little or no biblical knowledge confused.  It’s hard to get the “whole” picture of the “redemption story” this way as people tend to mix new biblical teaching with their own cultural or religious beliefs. 

At this time there are other organizations using the chronological biblical teaching approach in presenting biblical truths.  However, they, like the program we at Awana developed, take quite a while to get through all the lessons.  There are situations where an individual, church, or mission organization has a shorter, limited time to present the gospel message.  Often, when trying to fit a gospel presentation into a short time period, important truths are left out which are needed for laying a solid, biblical foundation for understanding the gospel, causing confusion and possibly false hope for those with mixed or weak biblical understanding.

Therefore, God laid it upon my heart to come up with a shorter version of teaching the gospel message using a chronological biblical overview of the redemption story — thus, the gospel flip chart and graphic novel.  The Gospel Made Clear Around the World flip chart and the Heaven and Hell graphic novel start from the beginning, in Genesis, and work through portions of both the Old and New Testaments to make the gospel message clear.